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The Security Event

8 - 10 April 2025 | NEC Birmingham, UK

The Security Leaders Summit

Security Cameras

The Security Leaders Summit

Security Leaders Summit

NEW FOR 2024, at The Security Leaders Summit will feature leading expert speakers who will uncover emerging technologies, latest trends and best practice case studies for security professionals. With a specially curated agenda, attendees will come away with plenty of inspiring ideas and actionable strategies that can be applied to their respective businesses and profession. 


  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    - Recognise alternative offender-forced entry objectives and strategies
    - The role of an effective security triangle
    - Using entrepreneurial offender theory to determine the potential likelihood of an attack vector being used
    - Identify what deterrence looks like when using the entrepreneurial offender approach
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Along the path of 4th industrial revolution, industries are expanding and increasing reliance on technology solutions. The security profession is one of those industries which has been on a global quest to increase reliance on technology while obtaining higher resilience, maintaining efficiency and financial prudence. This has demanded security leaders to seek creative ways of transforming and scaling operations through unprecedented endeavors in the technology domain, as well as major investments into technology and cyber assets. In recent years, Digital Transformation (DT) became vital for the business. However, this drastic change emerged with new type of risks, mainly in change risk. The newly rising risks introduce a new set of vulnerabilities and complications that may go unnoticed by business leaders. This speech will shed light on digitalization change risks and challenges that must be considered, analyzed and mitigated early on during initiation and planning of digital transformation journey. The purpose is to assure a higher caliber of success by security professionals and leaders as well as to avoid obstacles and issues during implementation and operation. The speech will also discuss a set of mitigations and strategies proven successful in handling and overcoming the risks during transformation while capturing valuable lessons-learned.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    A session to discuss developments in Cyber Essentials and what to expect in the future. 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    How do you secure a national treasure such as the British Library, what are the challenges, the real issues and how do we prepare for future changes including Martyn's Law?
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Incorporating quality assurance into one's security strategy can often be the missing piece in terms of measuring security performance and success. You could argue that testing and measuring the strength and overall effectiveness of a security operation and its systems within is what allows us to determine and confidently demonstrate the quality of our security and how it is making a positive impact. Incorporating this fundamental approach will also uncover gaps and weaknesses in a controlled manner to ultimately strengthen one’s overall security posture, overtime. However, this type of quality-assured approach often gets neglected. Here James talks about why that is, why it's a problem, and how we can strategically drive quality assurance to better educate business leaders on the ongoing development and impact of security.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Employee Network Groups connect people in a way that facilitates mutual assistance and support. Indeed, 80 percent of professionals believe networking is key to their career success, highlighting its importance in professional networking groups and online forums.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    • What is "online visibility"?
    • What are the risks associated with online visibility to people and sites?
    • Threat Actor Types against Sites and People
    • Maintaining a “healthy” online footprint for businesses and people, protecting sites and people. 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit

    Keeping people safe during emergencies such as terrorist attacks involves changing behaviour as well as providing physical protection. The ways that people behave in emergencies can help or hinder survivability, particularly in crowded buildings where the potential for congestion and crush can be as dangerous as the original threat. For control rooms, understanding these behaviours can improve command and control and help more people to take the right kinds of protective action. In this session, Dr Aoife Hunt will explore the current thinking around responses to hostile threats, debunking myths about crowd behaviour in emergencies and discussing the practical implications for control rooms planning their response to terrorist attacks. 

  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    In light of the terrorist attacks, homeland security emerged as a rising subject matter in the academic realm, reflecting positively on national security globally. However, industrial security is an area that has not been emphasized in academia unlike homeland security, criminology, cybersecurity and management. Therefore, university graduates entering the industrial security field lack a holistic understanding of industrial security, as they come from only slightly related academic majors. This session will showcase this gap in the real-world, and delve into the critical integration of industrial security as a university major, addressing the escalating demand for skilled professionals who are well-prepared for this field.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    What does Martyn's Law mean to business?
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit

    April 2024 marks the end of the grace period for manufacturers and distributors of smart devices to comply with the PSTI Act. Non-compliance with the act can result in severe financial penalties as well as full product recall. Ensure that your business knows its obligations, how to demonstrate compliance, and how to effectively secure devices against common cyber threats. We'll also discuss edge cases, exemptions, and some of the good and bad practices out there in the wild. 

  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit

    During this session, Mr AlAjmi will be recognised for life-time achievements to the industry, followed by an interview.

  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    To showcase the diversity in the security industry through job roles and people. Not all disabilities are visible! 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    • Aims of attackers
    • Organised or not?
    • Attackers - Hard work or easy peezy
    • Worthwhile
    • Next steps
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    In this presentation, we’ll explore the pivotal role of secure Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity across a range of applications including intruder alarms, fire alarms, telecare, lift alarms, CCTV, access control, and body-worn cameras. It also aims to provide insights into the necessity of upgraded and managed connectivity solutions in the wake of the PSTN and 3G switch-off to collectively address the evolving landscape of security in 2024.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    It's important that the security sector reflects who we protect. The EDI orum's vision will be to provide certainty of well-being and belonging in the security Industry.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Clare’s presentation will provide an understanding of common non-conformances and identify best practices raised on audits across the security services sector. Clare will discuss some of the reasons and how you can prevent these from occurring in your business. 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    We all need to take action and address preventing suicide. One Life lost is one life to many! Watch our film to resonate that you are loved and cared for. 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Drone surveillance provides advanced visual capabilities and computerized features, enabling them to perform with utmost efficiency. Since their deployment, the coverage area has expanded, search and rescue missions' practicality improved, and surveillance enhanced. Additionally, patrol officers now benefit from the uplifted time efficiency and reduced safety risks this technology brings. Utilizing drones remarkably minimized the need for physical patrolling by tenfold, while simultaneously increasing vigilance to capture security observations by nearly 40%. The application of this transformative technology optimized resource allocation, thus serving as a stepping stone for future advancements in security operations.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    As we witness an unsettling rise in sporadic volatile incidents and attacks within built up environments, our keynote talk aims to equip you with crucial strategies to pre-emptively counter possible dangers. Our focus will be on the utilisation of Atmospherics, Geographics, and Environmental Markers as Proactive Shields.

    We aim to enhance your ability to detect potential threats via non-verbal cues, and to interpret the human landscape, a skill indispensable for ensuring not only your security but that of those around you.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Join Matthew for a thought-provoking session on how cyber security is affecting the Fire and Security sector, considering not only the installing/maintaining organisation but also products and touch points with the customer. The presentation will explore:
    • Implementation strategies for cyber security at both organisational and customer site levels.
    • Identifying key stakeholders responsible for various aspects of cyber security and the potential risks of undefined roles.
    • Updates on the regulatory and standardisation landscape in the UK and EU, and what these changes mean for industry professionals.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    •    The impact of digitalization on communications methods 
    •    Case studies of high impact communication campaigns
    •    The art of targeting populations and maximizing convergence
    •    Brand building in the security domain: function and form
    •    Poor communication and its consequences for brand reputation and value.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    •    User frustration when security increases
    •    Examples of bad user experience due to security vigilance
    •    Shadow security
    •    Customizing security based on threats
    •    Streamline user experience in other aspects
    •    Success examples
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    A new initiative to help all within the security industry to help with their mental wellbeing by encouraging them to take up running, in whatever form that takes.  
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit

    - Sustainable security is based on the principle that we cannot fully control all the outcomes of insecurity, and it is important to address the underlying causes of the issue.
    - Sustainable security is a part of the broader ESG standards that evaluate a company's impact on society, the environment, and its transparency and accountability.
    - In today's highly interconnected world, it is crucial to safeguard and deliver value to businesses, organizations, their outputs, and customers.
    - Sustainable security aims to cooperatively resolve the root causes of threats using the most effective means available, and it is inherently preventative, tackling the likely causes of conflict and instability before the effects are felt.
    - While prevention is better than cure, it is essential to keep an eye on the cost versus the benefits gained to ensure value delivery.

  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Jon will be discussing how unified open-architecture solutions can benefit public spaces. How video, access control, and evidence management can be beneficial for public safety end users in a unified approach. 
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit
    Highlighting the role that UK security consultants play in the success of projects around the world, the high regard that they are generally held in and how the Association of Security Consultants is looking to support them with a new offering for internationally based ex-pats.
  1. Security Leaders Summit
    30 mins
    • Security Leaders Summit

    This session aims to explore strategies for identifying and leveraging unique strengths and skills to stand out in the security industry.

    •    Strategic Mindset for Career Advancement - Learn from Haig's extensive experience in leading management roles and consulting for Fortune 500 companies. Discover how a strategic mindset can position you for career advancement in the security industry.
    •    Confidence Building Blocks - Learn practical tips for building confidence in professional settings, including overcoming imposter syndrome and harnessing the power of positive self-talk.
    •    Navigating Career Pathways - Gain insights into navigating the complexities of career advancement, including how to seek out mentorship, networking effectively, and the importance of continuous learning.
    •    Personal Growth Stories - Hear firsthand about the speakers' journeys, including pivotal moments, challenges overcome, and the strategies that have propelled their careers forward.
    •    Networking for Success - Discover key networking strategies that can open doors to new opportunities, including how to make meaningful connections and nurture professional relationships.

    This session is designed to inspire and empower attendees, providing them with the tools and knowledge to build confidence, advance their careers, and make a meaningful impact in the security industry.


CPDMeWe are proud to be able to offer a CPD-accredited educational programme designed to provide expert insight and learnings for professionals. This year we have partnered with CPDMe who will be available onsite to help facilitate your certificates of attendance and build your CPD points portfolio.

Please ensure you scan the QR code at the end of each session as this will register your attendance and issue you a downloadable certificate of attendance. 

Visitors will need to contact their professional body, employer or association to add their certification of attendance to their personal record to show the further learning they have achieved for that year.

Contact CPDMe: Office: 01254 943 159 (9am – 4pm, Mon – Fri),

The Safety & Security Event Series