WebeyeCMS announces Integration with Sentinel by Monitorsoft
We are excited to announce we are formally launching our integration with Monitor Computer Systems Ltd.
A few eagle eyed Central Stations have already noticed that the webeyecms receiver is available and have been set up already, with one of them getting two new customers within a week of going live.
I'm sure your thinking - but why would one alarm monitoring platform want to integrate with another? That doesn't make sense.....
....and on the surface, that wouldn't make a lot of sense, but trust me, it does!
Installers love webeyecms for its engineering and maintenance capabilities, but Central Stations don't want to run multiple Alarm Handling platforms due to the impact on their wider operation. As a result, we built a module called "WebeyeConnect", which allows us to forward alarms to another monitoring platform whilst retaining access and control of the device within webeyecms.
First on our list of integration partners was our long time friends at Monitor Computer Systems Ltd., who worked tirelessly with us to bring this integration to life.
The power of webeyecms, available through your existing monitoring station's software, its a no-brainer now! And were already seeing some very creative uses for webeyecms in Sentinel - Cloud Frontel as a Service (moving your Frontel Servers from the ARC servers to Webeye for resiliency) is #1 on the "most asked" list.